Howard SHOULD talk politics

Downvote me IDGAF because I know the majority of people on this sub are uneducated hicks who are stuck in the past and daydream about Artie. If you long for days of the old show you also probably long for the days of your personal past. Sucks but get with the present day.

BUT Howard should have people on that talk politics. We can't pretend what's going on in our country isn't going on. You think he's not relevant but if he actually engaged the topic he could build significant conversation in the media. And he doesn't have to talk just with people that agree with him-- he should grill/ interview people who DON'T agree with him. He's smarter and more inquisitive than most people, that's why he's a fantastic radio host still to this day.

And no I'm not saying turn it into a political show, but here and there maybe an hour or 2 a week of political talk? I welcome it. I crave it.