ZZ Plant - what to do with stumps / non-growing leaves
Hi there! I purchased a ZZ Plant and it appears some of the leafs are not growing. I learned on Reddit that ZZ Plants are composite leafs with leaflets, so I'm calling these stumps leaves. It appears when leaves are dying, the plant cuts of circulation to the leaflets and these stumps are left over. That or the previous owner propagated the plant. From my research, once the leaflets are removed (whether by owner or naturally), the leaf will not die immediately, but it will not continue to grow.
What should I do with these stumped leaves?
a. uproot them (will this destroy the roots of the other leaves? are they interconnected?)
b. leave as is, they will wilt away with time
c. cut the stumped leaves at soil level
d. I am totally wrong and these may be growing?
e. none of the above
thank you!
Update: We moved it to a less sunny area (the side of a shelf where it has 0 sight to any windows) and now it is absolutely thriving! Grew 3 inches in the last month or 2 and all leaves have an oily shine.