In your opinion, is Michael Myers supernatural?

I figure there's three possible answers: yes, no, and "I prefer it to be ambiguous".

I'm assuming that the majority of watchers choose the third option, which makes total sense.

For me, I see it a specific way. I will say first though: I've watched the Rob Zombie remakes way more recently than I've seen the original movies, so that almost certainly affects what I'm saying about the topic.

I see Michael is pure evil. He isn't a person. Doesn't even have a personality. In fact, I prefer it where he never ever ever talks. Because talking, communicating, are actions done by living beings, and he isn't a living being, not in a traditional sense anyway.

Michael Myers is the embodiment of evil. But with a catch.

Outside of Michael Myers, the rest of the world is totally normal. As mundane and non-supernatural as our real world. And this catch leads to an interesting aspect I see explored in a few of the movies.

People who have met Michael Myers are totally 100% convinced that he is a supernatural God of murder and evil. They've seen him firsthand. Felt his presence.

Once you meet Michael, you see him for what he is.

But the rest of the world, the people who have never met Michael, they all just assume he's a regular guy. A regular spree-killer, no different than Ted Bundy or Richard Ramirez.

I say this because of a specific scene in one of the Zombie remakes where Dr Loomis is presenting his book about Michael, and he is basically laughed out of the academic community because the world refuses to believe the things Loomis says about Michael.

They've never met him, so they do not see the supernatural in him. They think he's just a regular dude.

So that's my take. Michael Myers is a supernatural entity living in a world as mundane as our own. So once you meet him, you are able to accept him being supernatural, because you've experienced it firsthand. If you haven't met him, you can't comprehend or accept the idea that he is what people say he is.