My quality scary/creepy YouTube channels

Feel free to comment/recommend other channels.

God tier - Nexpo: investigations, ARGs, mysteries, debunking (no fake stuff, no bullshit) - ScareTheater: same as Nexpo - Mr Ballen: mysteries, criminal/medical cases, EXCEPTIONAL story teller

A tier - Lazy Masquerade: cold cases, oddities, scary stories - NightDocs: covering mysteries related to sound/music (friend of Nexpo) - Nick Crowley: investigations, mainly YouTube ones (friend of Nexpo etc.) - Maverick Files: same content Nexpo and Nick Crowley, very underrated tbh

B tier - Reignbot: solved/unsolved cases - Shrouded hand: like reignbot, but a bit more mature cases - Plagued Moth: same as above, but NOT for the faint of heart (covers really messed up stuff) - MostAmazingTop10: covers creepy-ish stuff, tame, but upload frequently - FilmTheory and Gametheory: they have some creepy stuff

C tier Those channels cover and mostly deep dive fantasy and ARG stuff - BlameItOnJorge - Billy styler - Nightmind

D tier Those channels upload clips that have something odd or creepy about them (example: top 5 ghosts caught on cctv) - Chills - BizarreBub - Nuke's Top 5

E tier Channels that just narrate creepy stories - Mr Nightmare - Corpse Husband (before among us) - Mr Davis


ATTENTION! This tier is a separate entity meant to promote horror YouTubers on Reddit. Whoever knows of a channel or if you're one, comment the link. We'll check and add it. - Doctor Plague: Horror stories, some of which are from Redditors. He also narrates his own stories.