Review of Pet (+ ending spoilers & interpretation)

I just watched Pet, and I must say I really really enjoyed this movie for what it is. The trailer made it look like a typical "psycho captures girl, girl gets free and turns it around" type of thriller, but as soon as the movie gets rolling it constantly turns the genre stereotypes on its head. I would recommend you skip the trailer if you haven't seen it already, and watch this movie blind. If you haven't seen it, don't my spoilers below.

One of the things the movie did really well was it used tropes to actually reveal elements of the story in an unexpected way. For example: spoiler.

The movie spends time building up Seth as this socially awkward, lonely, borderline-creepy guy which is why it makes the first big reveal so interesting. We realize

The middle of the movie is probably the weakest part, but it really picks up toward the end. And speaking of the ending, I went online and on this sub to see what people were saying and I saw a lot of hate. Personally I think the ending was nearly perfect, but it seems people don't understand what really happened. Below is my interpretation of the ending and contains major SPOILERS.






There were other little touches in the movie that I appreciated as well, such as the kennel scene where the dog barking slowly becomes a rhythmic part of the pulsing music soundtrack to showcase Seth's decent into insanity. It was a little cheesy but somehow worked. It almost had a Requiem for a Dream vibe how it became a trance that Seth was in.

TL;DR: Just watch this movie blind and hopefully you will enjoy it as much as I did. It wasn't perfect, but it was a breath of fresh air if you are sick of stale horror and genre stereotypes.