I love survivalist horror films but it’s infuriating to watch characters make the dumbest decisions. What a great idea to just full send 4 stories to your feet. What could go wrong? Don’t even try to climb down to minimize the gap AT ALL. Don’t try to fashion some sort of rope to climb down some out of clothing. Might as well of went head first. Then of course you gotta start DEATH SCREAMING just to let nearby animals know dinners ready. My god. Like budget Zack Efron couldn’t make a good choice to save his life.
Then you’d think Iceman climbing the cable would hook his feet, nah just gonna go full ninja warrior pump the shit out of his arms before having to stave off WOLVES.
And the girl freezing her hand to the pole….. what? You couldn’t tuck that thing in your sleeve? All of them for that matter must have never experienced cold. You zip up. You COVER your skin. There’s this one scene when Shawn Ashmore is climbing the cable and a wolf runs by down below… I coulda swore they played the imposter sound from Among Us as he runs by 😂 took me out!