I just committed the ultimate sin! Will the gaming gods forgive me?
Let me preface by saying I'm really enjoying my time with HFW. I liked HZD and so far, I'm loving this. Having said this, I've never been an expert at Horizon combat, but I make do. I usually play on normal because anything harder and I'll just blow a gasket.
Now, I was just doing a couldron, carefully going through machines in as much stealth as possible. Alerted a whole horde within, dealt with all of them. Then dealt with a Frostclaw, then a clamberjaw, then some more clamberjaws (they're so annoying), but then the final fight came a slitherfang. I was already jaded with constant fighting, running low on resources because I forgot to restock before entering the couldron, and committed the ultimate sin, I dropped the difficulty to easy, finished the slitherfang, and now I feel that I not only cheated myself out of a good fight but committed the ultimate gaming sin of lowering the difficulty. Will the gods ever forgive me?
But more importantly, do you ever do this, lowering the difficulty, if not due to the difficulty itself, then due to just sheer tediousness of the fight?
PS: Yeah, I'm not really ashamed of lowering difficulty on that fight, just having a laugh, but also wanted to see if it's something people usually do.