Any advice on which size to buy?
I've been getting XXX for years and pairing with the provost apple on top, tinfoil, and alpaca mini rook. This was fine but I recently upgraded to the Gravyl bowl and my two XXX coals are dying out before my tobacco is spent. I was thinking I need 3 coals to have a full smoke and I wasn't sure if I should get the quarter circle or the 26 big cubes. Thanks.
I've been getting XXX for years and pairing with the provost apple on top, tinfoil, and alpaca mini rook. This was fine but I recently upgraded to the Gravyl bowl and my two XXX coals are dying out before my tobacco is spent. I was thinking I need 3 coals to have a full smoke and I wasn't sure if I should get the quarter circle or the 26 big cubes. Thanks.