Home Theatre Setup Help

Hello everyone!

Previous owner left behind a home theatre system that I’m trying to figure out how to properly setup. In addition to what is in picture 1, picture 2 is my terrible drawing of the rest of the layout. There are 2 speakers on the side walls (left and right), 2 on the back wall, and 4 speakers in the ceiling. All of those speakers have been wired and feed through the ceiling to behind the TV (picture 3).

There are two identical amplifiers (pictures 4/5 front/back), another amplifier (pictures 6/7), a processor (picture 8), a whole tangled mess of cables (picture 9) of various lengths and a power centre (picture 10).

I’ve been trying to figure out the right way to set everything up for a while, have no previous experience with home theatre and am feeling lost.

Any advice people can give with how to get this up and running would be amazing!

Thank you!