Question about being ghosted by neighbor

My fence is falling over. Visited the neighbor who shared the fence and no one answered the door so I left a note. A week later he texted me saying he got the note and was fine with replacing the fence. I got a bunch of quotes and sent them over. About 2 weeks go by and he doesn’t reply. I text him asking if he got the quotes. About a week later he said he didn’t, but then said “Never mind, I found the email.” It’s been 13 days and he hasn’t responded. I messaged him on Tuesday asking if he could give me his thoughts on the fence. No reply. I messaged him yesterday morning stating that I knew he was probably busy with other things but I would appreciate his thoughts on the fence.

Thoughts on how I can get him to respond without angering him? I’m in CA if that matters and other neighbors told me he isn’t the nicest person.

Edit: I didn’t realized CA was unique with our shared fence law aka “good neighbor law” that says the cost is to be split. I got quotes for repair and replacement, but because of the condition of the fence, the cost to repair is not that much lower than the cost to replace. He’s aware of the law since he had to replace a different fence with a different neighbor a few years ago. His initial response indicated he was on bird with replacing and reviewing the quotes. I’m wanting him to respond and let me know he’s okay with the wood choice, etc for the fence and let me know what he can pay.