Seeking Advice on Persistent Loud Bangs in My Condo unit

Two years ago, I bought and moved into a studio-sized condominium on the 15th floor of a 21-story building. Everything was perfect, and I hadn't experienced any noise or disturbances—until two months ago.

One night, around 1 AM, I was jolted awake by a loud bang. The noise repeated 6-7 times that night, and I even felt the floor shake slightly, like someone dropping a heavy weight. The next morning, I reported the issue to the building's general managers. They issued notices to the units adjacent to mine, but no one lives in the units directly to my left or right, only above and below. Surprisingly, no one heard anything or claimed that they make any loud sounds.

Since that night, the noise has persisted non-stop, day and night, for the past two months. The volume varies—sometimes it's incredibly loud, and other times it's quieter. The building's engineers suspect a plumbing issue but haven't found the source yet.

Here's what they've checked so far:

  • I live in Thailand where the temperature is not varied (26C to 34C)
  • Engineers inspected the pipes in the accessible service shaft, and nothing is loose.
  • They checked the pump pressure, and it is normal.
  • They operated the main building pump, and no noise occurred.
  • Sometimes the floor slightly shook.
  • No specific time of the sounds occurrence, it happen throughout the day and night.
  • I couldn't pinpoint the location of the source, sometimes it comes from the wall, sometimes above or even below. It maybe just echo, I am not sure.

I’m at my wit's end and would really appreciate your input on this.

These are the sounds that occurred in one night. For convenience, I didn't separate the file; it was recorded from 12 AM to 8 AM on July 20th.

This is the room layout