Low-lying placenta got CLOSER to cervix between 12w0d and 14w0d. Did anyone have this happen and have it resolve so they could ultimately have a home birth?

I am posting here as I hope to have a home birth and was hoping this community could help. I am a second time mom currently 14w0d pregnant. At 12w0d I had a dating ultrasound that was transabdominal showing my placenta was 1.52cm or 15.2mm from the cervical os. At 14w0d I had a transvaginal ultrasound that showed my placenta had moved closer to cervix and was now only 0.7cm or 7mm from the cervical os. I have had no bleeding but am so bewildered and frightened that it got closer to the cervix as it is important to me to have a home birth this time.

Has anyone had this experience ? What exactly happened at your anatomy scan and at the time of your delivery ? Did the placenta move ?