No pelvic pressure?

UPDATE - 36+6 today & my midwife checked me yesterday. I’m thick & closed but my cervix is anterior. She wants me to go get a scan today just to make sure baby is head down because she also does not think baby is engaged and might be in a weird position. I’m getting at 4D ultrasound done at 2:30pm!

UPDATE #2 - 38+6 today & she checked me again. Baby is head down and low but cervix is still closed.


This pregnancy is just so different from my last 2 specifically.

From around 28w with both my 2nd & 3rd babies I always had that “bowling ball between the legs” feeling. Assuming baby was engaged and always pressing on my cervix.

With baby #2, I went into the hospital already at a 4 (I was induced).

With baby #3, (this was my first home birth), I started labor already at a 5 & 60% due to my water breaking.

This is baby number 4, technically “due” on 3/2, but my babies tend to come at 39w. I’m 36+3 today and I do not feel like baby is “engaged” at all. I don’t feel like I’ve “dropped” and I definitely don’t have the bowling ball between the legs feeling.

I do have an appt on Friday w/my midwife and I plan to ask to be checked.

Is something wrong that I don’t feel like baby is engaged? Is it normal?

Even being on my 4th I get worried. I know my body will do what it needs to but the physical signs are SO different this time 😩