youth tournaments - are they always unbalanced - what can be done

Wrapped up the last 6u game of the tournament, what a bipolar experience. In the end though, the winning team destroyed the others, generally running scores that looked 12+ to 1 against all teams - even before the 1st and 2nd place team. I saw the stats across the board for the tournament up to squirt level, and so many games were severely lopsided, including a 17-0 game. Our first tournament ended up with the organizers screwing up and pairing our 6u team playing the rivals good 8u team instead of their beginner 8u - again a blowout. During the regular season though our 6u is evenly matched.

I've played all my life but never in any tournaments, is this typically the outcome? Is the problem just good teams dropping down to win, if so how do the organizers fix it. Isn't there a way to see the league, level, stats to confirm where a team should be, or the organizers don't care because $$$.

I'm sure plenty of people will say the score doesn't matter, which I agree with, but plenty of kids can't wrap their heads around it and get discouraged and down. The blowouts overshadow the fun they're having outside of the games - even though the coaches are not overly concerned about the score.