Superfeet Skate Insoles…?

Hi everyone, thanks in advance for your insight.

I recently bought my 7 year old son skates from Pro Hockey Life in southern Ontario. I had done my research and went to the store knowing which skates we were getting, I just wanted to be sure he tried them on and they were comfortable. My son has been skating since 2 years old and plays the highest level hockey for his age group in the area that I live.

I spoke with two different salesmen in the store and both really pushed these skate insoles called ‘Superfeet’. One of them mentioned that 90% of the skates they sell are now sold with these insoles because they are the new standard for high level players and force good skating habits.

Does anyone have any experience with these and can vouch for what these salesmen are saying? What are the true benefits, and will my 7 year old really notice a difference? I am always skeptical about the up-sells but these salesmen were adamant that my son needed them to improve his mechanics. Any opinions appreciated, thanks!