IIHF World Championship Game Thread: Latvia (0-0-0-2) vs. Czechia (2-0-0-0) - 15 May 2023 - 08:20PM MSK

Latvia vs. Czechia

Arena Riga

In-Game Updates

Time Clock
Final (OT)
Team 1 2 3 OT TOT
LAT 0 2 1 1 4
CZE 1 1 1 0 3
Team Shots FO Wins PPG SHG PP Time PIM
LAT 35 29 0 0 04:00 8
CZE 25 38 0 0 06:00 6
Period Time Team Strength Description
1 08:25 CZE EQ #77 NEMECEK David scored for Czechia (Assisted by #8 BERANEK Ondrej and #48 CERNOCH Jiri).
2 02:16 LAT EQ #13 BUKARTS Rihards scored for Latvia (Assisted by #27 CIBULSKIS Oskars and #25 DZERINS Andris).
2 03:18 LAT EQ #17 DZIERKALS Martins scored for Latvia (Assisted by #29 FREIBERGS Ralfs and #21 BALCERS Rudolfs).
2 09:21 CZE EQ #18 KUBALIK Dominik scored for Czechia (Assisted by #10 CERVENKA Roman and #7 DVORAK Tomas).
3 05:22 LAT EQ #27 CIBULSKIS Oskars scored for Latvia (Assisted by #22 ANDERSONS Toms and #73 SMIRNOVS Deniss).
3 16:58 CZE EQ #6 KEMPNY Michal scored for Czechia (Assisted by #10 CERVENKA Roman and #18 KUBALIK Dominik).
OT 04:16 LAT EQ #95 BATNA Oskars scored for Latvia (Assisted by #72 JAKS Janis).
Period Time Team Min Description
1 12:38 LAT 2 #29 FREIBERGS Ralfs for High Sticking.
1 12:38 CZE 2 #6 KEMPNY Michal for Interference.
1 13:28 LAT 2 #17 DZIERKALS Martins for Interference on a Goalkeeper.
2 06:26 CZE 2 #84 KUNDRATEK Tomas for Hooking.
2 13:34 CZE 2 #67 ZBORIL Jakub for Tripping.
2 17:07 LAT 2 #13 BUKARTS Rihards for Tripping.
3 07:24 LAT 2 #18 ABOLS Rodrigo for Holding an opponent.


10:20AM 11:20AM 12:20PM 01:20PM 02:20PM 06:20PM 07:20PM 08:20PM 08:20PM

Game Data

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