Whats the saddest and cringiest thing you've ever witnessed at school

Im not talking about like that one guy who tripped lost all his books and farted as he fell.

Here I'll give you an example of what I witnessed today.

A guy at my school opened his laptop and forgot to actually restart his computer from the night prior.

And let's just say we learned alot about him fast involving certain sites (let's just say, it was very very graphic and loud)

The worst part, the class was sitting in the library with a few other classes, and it was decently silent to say the least.

So we're all doing our work, he opens his laptop and just blasting throughout the library was like "you're my *****" with loud sounds.

He started freaking out and closed his laptop but the video was still going.

He reopened the laptop and the site refused to close "its not responding" and finally he realized to just flat turn off the laptop.

He just excused himself to the bathroom to fix his laptop.

But the laughing was deafening.

At least 70 people heard it and just burst out in laughter.

I think the school took pity on him because all he got was a detention (saw him in the detention line after school)

And yes, it made it throughout the school.

So what all do you got?