Signs they have moved on (and you should do the same)
1. They either leave you on read all the time or don’t text or call and don’t engage with your social media account at all. I.e. they don’t watch your stories, don’t like your posts, don’t post certain quotes that are directed at you and maybe even have you blocked, unfollowed and deleted everywhere.
2. Indifference. The way this indifference usually manifests is that he or she will consistently push you away or simply not care about how you feel. They don’t ask you how you‘re doing, constantly make excuses as to why you can’t be together and essentially treat you like a stranger.
3. They tell you directly to move on and to accept that its over.
4. You‘ve been trying to get them back for over 6 months but they still give you massive resistance and keep rejecting you.
5. They’re in a new relationship. Now this one is nuanced as sometimes it will be a rebound in which they‘re simply using the other person to get over you faster or to inspire jealousy in you so that you start chasing them (which of course never truly works). However, if on top of being in a new relationship they behave like I explained in #1 and #2, they have moved on for real.
If you consistently experience several of these, then it’s in your own best interest to mirror their behavior, gracefully move on, process your feelings and rediscover life without them.
Because any more chasing, pleading or pursuing beyond this point only adds more fuel to the fire.