Why they breadcrumb and give you mixed signals

More often than not, mixed signals are a sign of a lack of interest, attraction, love and respect.

And you may ask yourself why they keep you guessing, just don’t tell you directly that they don’t want you, that it’s over so that you have an easier time letting go of the hope and walking away?

Here’s why…

Essentially, it‘s because while they may indeed aren’t at all interested in reconciling with you, at the same time they don’t want to lose:

1.  Your attention and validation

2.  The reassurance that you need them more than they need you, that you‘re always available and ready to take them back

Because the truth is that you chasing them and doing all these things makes them feel incredibly attractive and desirable.

It makes them feel like they’re above you in terms of attractiveness, personal growth, power, success, social status etc. and like you are below them in those aspects.

As if choosing you would be them 'dating down' or settling for less.

And this is why when you find yourself in such a situation with an ex, walking away is so powerful.

It equalizes things and ensures that you don’t get used like that, that you don’t invite low quality relationships with emotionally unavailable people into your life.

Because ultimately, we get what we tolerate and to a large degree, we do need to teach people how we want to be treated.

If you want high quality relationships with people who put in the effort, then you must respect yourself enough to say no to and walk away from people like your ex.