why does heartbreak hurt so bad? 28F
It’s such a deep, tangible pain and impossible to relieve. I’ve waited years for a man like him to come into my life. I’ve been heartbroken more often than I’ve been happy. My friends & family have seen me through all my deep depressions after a breakup. And now, yet again, another breakup, another broken heart. And each one hurts more than the previous. I know I need friends & family to make it through this, but I don’t want to burden them again. I’m sure they’re bored of it by now. I want to give up. I am not strong enough to keep going through this life experiencing heartbreak after heartbreak. I just came back from brunch with 2 girlfriends and I feel even more depressed than before. All I can do is lay in my bed and cry. The pain is unbearable. I’ve been strong for years but this is too much. I want to give up.