Looking for Feedback on Asus Essence One MKII MUSES Edition – Worth Keeping?
I recently picked up an Asus Essence One MKII MUSES Edition. I got it for about $67, which I think is a pretty good deal if you compare prices on eBay and see what others are charging.
I’m really just wondering if anyone knows anything about this device or has any experience with it. There’s not much info online, but it seems to have been a high-end product (I didn’t know Asus made high-end DACs/amps, but I guess they do or did).
I think it sounds pretty good compared to my Fiio K7, which I’m thinking of returning now.
Any thoughts or advice would be really appreciated! Thanks!
I recently picked up an Asus Essence One MKII MUSES Edition. I got it for about $67, which I think is a pretty good deal if you compare prices on eBay and see what others are charging.
I’m really just wondering if anyone knows anything about this device or has any experience with it. There’s not much info online, but it seems to have been a high-end product (I didn’t know Asus made high-end DACs/amps, but I guess they do or did).
I think it sounds pretty good compared to my Fiio K7, which I’m thinking of returning now.
Any thoughts or advice would be really appreciated! Thanks!