Late Game Spells

I’ve got just about 35 hours in the game now, currently trying to beat Breakdown 6 and it seems like the only time I really ever get close is if I have auto targeting spells with a spell build. I don’t understand where it all goes wrong🙃 I have also 112% Hollow Knight, 100% Dead Cells, 100% Hades, Cult of the Lamb, Sifu, etc. but when the end of the run is near, I feel it’s all an illusion of choice. Do you typically go for spell builds with Twinsie too or am I the odd one out here? Is it a case of get good?

UPDATE: Did one run last night with the base scythe, maxed out red curses, and had RNJesus giving me legendary spells. For the first time, got the bonus damage stacks every hit, resetting on being hit. I completed the run lol. So now on B7 and will absolutely keep on trucking through. Thanks for your help, everybody!