How to turn down a job offer

I lost my job this past November so I’ve been applying to anything I can. Without an income, I needed to accept the first job that was offered to me in case I didn’t get another offer.

Most of the jobs I applied to didn’t call me for an interview. Over the past two months, I had 3 total interviews and did not receive a job offer. This past week, I actually had an interview scheduled every day from Monday through today. Of the companies I was interviewing for, there was one that I wanted the most because it paid the best. I had also worked there before and I knew the work.

I interviewed with that company on Tuesday. On Thursday (yesterday), I interviewed for a company that offered me the job immediately. The pay was very bad but not knowing if the other company would offer me the job, I had to accept it.

Today, the company I wanted to work for called and offered me the position. I accepted it because it’s the one I want. That said, I already accepted the job that was offered to me yesterday (Thursday) because I needed employment.

The company I initially accepted the position with needs employees pretty badly so I feel guilt over accepting and then rescinding my acceptance. But, I need to do what’s best for myself and my family, which is take the better paying job. I just wondered if there was an acceptable way to rescind my acceptance of the previous job.

Any suggestions are appreciated!