X2D + Phocus Mobile 2 suddenly stopped working

Anyone else having this issue? Camera connects to iPhone or iPad (tried both) via Wifi as I can see the connection in the Wifi on the device and the X2D shows the wifi symbol + device. In the Phocus Mobile 2 app the X2D is listed at the bottom but there's an orange dot, not a green one, and the disconnected icon shows to the right.

I've deleted the app on both iPad & iPhone - both of which are newer-ish models - and reinstalled. PM2 sees the X2D, adds it, pops up the dialog to connect to X2D's Wifi... and then orange dot. If as this process is happening I watch the back of the X2D's wifi menu the "5Ghz" option starts as white and then dims to gray. Not sure if that means anything, but curious since it happens at the time the iPad/iPhone times out.

Saw the app updated last week, which seems to coincide with the last time I used it and it worked. But not really sure since I don't use PM2 often. Of course now though, I needed to use it as remote shutter.

OS on iPad, iPhone, X2D and lens are all up to date.

WiFi has no VPN turned on.

I've run out of troubleshooting steps & am hoping someone else has this issue so I can chalk it up to "just wait for the next PM2 update to fix it"