Most idiotic policy I’ve ever heard of.

So I bought several boxes nitrile gloves during the 50% off sale last weekend. Come to today, I open one box and find that they are sized slightly smaller than the old stock of gloves I had just finished.

So receipt in hand, off to HF I go to exchange for the next size up. Everything is going smoothly, until guy tells me I owe $28.77! I’m like WTF? I’m exchanging them, same exact item, even exchange. He tells me “they’re not in sale anymore” I said “that’s ok, I’m not buying them today, I bought them Sunday, I’m exchanging them for a different size today.” He try’s telling me that they are not the same because they are a different size. To which I try explaining that exchanging an item for a different size is a common function of doing business. Had he ever returned a shirt after Christmas because it didn’t fit and had to pay the difference?

This guy was the store manager. You’d think he would understand this. Maybe it is a HF company policy, and if so it’s an absolutely terrible one.

I could see if I was trying to return half emptied boxes, but I had 5 boxes. One was opened and missing a single glove. And the other 4 were still sealed. Ridiculous.

Rant over, thanks for letting me vent.