Show me your favourite wallets, cardholders, SLGs!! ♡
Someone posted their recent Saint Laurent wallet purchase to commemorate their new job, and I commented that I wanted someone to make a post asking everyone to post their SLGs, so I thought it may as well be me!!
I love bags but LOVE leather bag companions even more. I also love all the posts where people commented sharing what they carry in their bags, so please share your fav SLGs here for all the SLG lovers!!
Someone posted their recent Saint Laurent wallet purchase to commemorate their new job, and I commented that I wanted someone to make a post asking everyone to post their SLGs, so I thought it may as well be me!!
I love bags but LOVE leather bag companions even more. I also love all the posts where people commented sharing what they carry in their bags, so please share your fav SLGs here for all the SLG lovers!!