Boomer Mom Here

Ok, so I’m not technically a “boomer” as I’m 43. I’ve been watching this podcast since my 19yr old son died by s***** in 2018. He was a huge fan of iDubbz and H3, and he’d often show me their videos.

Ever since he left, watching the podcast helps me feel a bit more connected to him. He was seriously funny, and since I’ve started watching I can see that it was heavily influenced by iDubbz & H3. So first and foremost, thanks to Ethan, Hila, and the crew for everything.

My kid was young and physically fit, was always on his skateboard, and didn’t quite understand depression. He viewed s****** as selfish and stupid. His life was skateboarding & anime. Any problem could be fixed with either….until it couldn’t. Nobody (myself and his closest friends) would ever think this would happen.

Now, I’ve had a loooot of time to think about this, and maybe….somewhere along the line he was told that depression was weakness. The last thing boys his age want is to come off as weak.

Hearing these “Alpha” males talk like this is seriously scary, and I was so glad that Ethan pointed out that it’s toxic. I’m hoping he can put his ego aside a bit and educate himself before trying to influence his peers. It can do more harm than you know.

I am thankful that Ethan is so open with his own battle, and I hope that the young men who are here for the goofs and gaffs can take comfort in knowing that if your depression isn’t cured by exercise alone, then trying other things (counseling and or medication) isn’t a weakness.

Doing everything you can to survive is what makes you Alpha.