Question about getting back into Gwent and its current state.

I played vast amounts of gwent back during the beta, and after coming back to it a long time later all of my cards had been turned into their equal value of scrap, allowing me to build whatever I'd wanted. during the beta I'd played a Foltest Hubert deck with blue stripes that would boost the cards in my deck by huge amounts before I would either play a blue stripe and pull them all out or hubert and drain all their boosts to create a massive card. Later I got into playing a blue stripes build and enjoyed it thoroughly, that being said, after a long time away I checked around in the meta and couldn't find any bluestripes decks in the past 3 years, implying the idea fell off.

I noticed that just recently, in the second to last card drop from patch 11.4, the theme was about boosting the cards in your deck, similar to the old hubert deck I used to play, and i wanted to ask if it was a viable or competitive strategy, and what could be done with the deck with the inclusion of new cards from the past 3 years that I'm not familiar with. Is it worth it to get into gwent now that they are no longer creating cards for it? Please let me know what all you have to say.