The story of my life after October
Got my first job, it's nice till now, everything is okay, Got my project, it's nice team is nice, helpful, corporative... Office life i okay, my whole team is not from my office location they are from different states, still not worries...
The life after my OFFICE HOURS "NO LIFE" I don't have a life after I get out of my office, I started smoking hooka, cigarettes, just to overcome my loneliness, I cry almost everyday, sometimes in office too, When i go to office breakout area, and see other people of my age not exactly my age i am 21 they are older than me, having friends, laughing, enjoying, sharing their thoughts, making memories, got out for lunch, making plans for weekend, i don't know why i get emotionaland just start dropping tears, I don't know whatbthe hell is wrong with me, I don't feel any happiness or excitement or any joy anymore, I talk at my home like once or twice a week, cause everytime j call my mum is just get emotionally unstable and when I hear her voice or anyone's else voice i just started dropping tears again, And when they ask(family) is everything okay, I just say i am okay & I have some work and just greet them Tata ( i don't say"bye, goodbye" as i feel like these words are ment to be said to people who you aren't gonna see ever agin in your life) and disconnect the call,
I can't take it anymore honestly, I get suicidal thoughts everytime, I hurt myself most of the time, I skip eating food as I forgot to eat, sometimes I can barely feel myself alive, I spend nights sleepless, take night pills, I don't know what i am doing this to myself...
I don't want this life anymore, I know i will end my life soon very soon if this keeps on going, I know suicidal people don't talk out about these such things, but all I wanna say is if someone feels like this and you see them or if you feel like a person is going through something like being emotionless or sad all the time, please don't leave them, maybe they want to tell you or all they want is a friend, please take the first step by yourself and go talk or initiate a conversation with them,
I just hope no one goes through loneliness or depression, I am sorry but I can't do it anymore... I am sorry... Have a nice weekend everyone...