Worst gun for muzzle blast to the side
I live in asshole boomer heaven right now. I'm 40. I've lived a lot of places and got drug to somewhere I'm not amped about for the past 5 years. I belong to a private range about an hour away. I do a lot of load development. I load up a few hundred rounds, grab a car load of guns and drive out to the range about an hour away. This is the second range I've been a member of here. I have to go so far because most ranges are under 100...
This exact same thing has happened before. Today I was there. One other guy was at the 50 yard range. Two old guys came, went over to the 50 yard range and started shooting until that guy left the range. Immediately they came over to me at the 100. There's 10 stations. No one else there. They set up right next to me and start shooting a big bore revolver. I about jumped out of my skin at the blast. So I walked behind about 10 feet and played on my phone, left all my shit there until they realized I wasn't going to leave. They didn't even put a target out. Just blastin'.
Why go right next to me? They kept giving dirty looks when I didn't leave. I don't care if someone else is there. I care if I'm bench shooting very slowly and you go immediately next to me and start raining hot brass down upon me or shooting something with hellacious blast. It happens all the fucking time and I'm sick of it. It's fine if it's busy and you have to be by me or another person. I'm talking when shit is empty. Lets space out. They just want me out of there. They don't do it to other old men. Just me and other younger folks.
If anyone is curious, I was shooting a sako deluxe, a savage 220, and a hunting ar today.
I'm pretty sick of these kinds of dudes. This state is full of assholes like that about a lot of things. I've learned they only respond to assholery. It's been a hard lesson for me.
What's the worst god damned thing I can get to pull out of the car, double up on ear protection, and shoot next to these guys to scare them off within reason. I want to be able to play dumb when they inevitably freak out and call me out. I don't want a 50 or a 338 lapula or anything like that.
I was thinking a 30-378 Weatherby. I always wanted one of those too. The muzzle blast has to be spicy with a brake on from 8 feet off to the side. It is on all my other bees without a brake. I have money to actually afford to do this, so I'd really like to hear your thoughts.
Can anyone help? I know this is not a normal request. My partner has heard me complain about this enough that she thinks it's a fine idea too as long as I don't detach some dude's retinas or something from the blast.