Who Are Your Cartoon Guitar Heroes (Alive or Dead)
Some of mine:
Lucky & Elvin (Big Mountain Fudgecake)
Josie (Pussycats, Steely Dan)
Bender Bending Rodriguez (folk singer)
Sandy Cheeks (anthropomorphic squirrel)
Trent & Jesse (Mystic Spiral)
Racist Portrayal of Japanese Woman (Gorillaz)
Skylar Morse (TATLOTU)
Biff Starke (Neptunes, Morris Day & The Time)
Janice (The Electric Mayhem, Floyd Pepper Duo)
Chap Lipman (The Beets)
Head and/or Monkey, idk (Korn on South Park)
Fuckin' Wolf Thing (Groovy Goolies, Teen Wolf)