One of my pigs died today.

we only got the pair a year ago. Not even that. One of them died today and I don’t know it just feels weird we had to split the pair up due to dominance issues. But god the dominant one cried and cried for him so we put them together every now again. And we put them back together. Then recently the one who died today lost a lot weight and began to stumble. With him being only 8 months old we thought this was strange and took him to the vets. They said they couldn’t put him under anaesthetic as he weighs too little and could not recover. So we did some home care antibiotics certain foods etc. he genuinely looked like he was on the mend. He was the most adorable pig I’ve ever seen. White with a black spot on the eye. Anyway today he just took a turn and began to fall over and everything else. I came downstairs to see him on his side kicking his legs. I went to help but didn’t want to hurt him so I tried to see if he was alive and he was. I thought maybe he’s just fell over so I put him back up. On his side. Then my parents looked after them for a while. Came downstairs and he was still seizuring but breathing. This went on for 2hrs. Didn’t know what to do. Then it stopped and he’s passed away. The other Guinea pig saw. Sniffed him and ran away making a crying sound. Broke my heart. Just wanted to know if anyone’s got any ideas of what happened to him based on the information. He was small when we got him. (Smallest of the bunch)