my baby coco passed today 💔

He just recently turned 5 in late August and since then I’ve had a gut feeling he was going to pass soon. Unfortunately I was right. Last night I noticed that he wasn’t hardly moving or eating, so I picked him up and took a look at him. He had become bloated and unable to release his poo. (For the last few months, everyday I had been helping him go potty because, you know as they get older they tend to struggle with that). I tried helping him get some out like I usually do but he squeaked in pain, so I let him be. Then later on during the day I tried again and the same thing happened. So I decided I was going to cuddle with him for a little and love on him, as he always loved to cuddle in a blanket and get pets. It relaxed him and he was able to poo a little so I thought hopefully he’d get better, but I had a feeling he wasn’t going to. When I cuddled him it was already pretty late at night so I put him back and then made a little bed next to his cage to sleep on so that during the night if he was in trouble I’d be there and could help him fast. ( I also was able to feed him some fresh grass which was surprising as he hadn’t been eating since the day prior). Nothing happened during the night, though, he just went to sleep, in the morning he was the same. Still sluggish and sleepy but not horrible. I called the vet to set up an appointment and then I had to run some errands which hurt me because I didn’t want to leave him but I had to. When I came back at around 4 pm I noticed he was worse than before, so I picked him up and could hear that he was hardly breathing. I sat down on my bed with him and wrapped him in a towel and just petted him and relaxed him as much as I could. But I could tell, he was going to pass. At one point, he began biting the towel hard because he was in pain and gasping for air, it was so heartbreaking. Eventually the fighting became too difficult for him and he just went still, so I continued petting and whispering sweet words to him until he passed in my arms. This luckily only went on for about 20 to 30 minutes and his passing itself was quite peaceful thank god. It still hurts me a lot though, it was patronizing him watching him pass. I will be ok, but, I’ve had him since he was just a little baby. Also I’m 17 now and I got him when I was 12 so he has been there for me during some rough puberty ridden times, (and Covid lol). He was really my best bud, and I’m really grateful for the time I had with him. It was so special, and I have so many memories with him. It just hurts a lot knowing I won’t get to see him again. It also hurts knowing my other piggy GusGus will be super lonely for a while now until I get another piggy. Him and Coco were so close. Guinea pigs really are such a gift, when I got Coco I had no idea how emotionally intelligent and sweet he would be. He was like the side-kick animals of the main characters you see in Disney movies. Truly a special little fella. I’m gonna miss him so much. Anyways, sorry for the sob story guys, just wanted to tell his story. 💔💔💔