How people treat derek vs addison or mark
Okay so like an i the only who finds it odd how people constantly shit on derek for being with mer and bashing him for being with her while he was still married to addison. As if addison didn’t have an affair with mark, and then proceeded to get with him for a while, yet people love addison for it, and even say that their relationship was cute.
Idk i just find it so odd especially because all of the fans in this fandom paint her as the angel in meredith’s and derek’s relationship, while bashing him, but supporting her and mark’s relationship as if it wasn’t built off of cheating on her husband with his best friend.
Like we always see Mark and Addison painted as like the two goodie two shoes of the show, while derek’s seen as the villain for (RIGHTFULLY) not wanting to talk to his best friend or wife who cheated on him, and most definitely didn’t want him coming to his work place in order to basically try to get his trust back when he wasn’t ready.