Lost my boy today
I've always been heartbroken seeing others post their losses here, knowing one day I would join. But I hope you all can help celebrate the life of my Dexter. He passed away in my arms this afternoon.
He still went for walks and to the park. His hips were giving him trouble in the past year and we recently started him on librela which was showing good results for his mobility. Aside from not eating as much lately (thinking it was just old age lack of appetite) he was always in good spirits.
I watched him have what looked like a seizure on the couch and I immediately held him and called the vet hospital. His breathing was very labored and when I originally tried picking him up he stopped breathing. He slowly started back up again and at that point I knew this was it. I cradled him for about 30 minutes until he finally let go and crossed the rainbow bridge. He turned 8 years last weekend.
Please give your good boys and girls an extra hug for me tonight.