Favorite / best graphic short graphic novels?
Hey there. So Ive read a few graphic novels, but ive come to realize that I really prefer stories that are a bit on the shorter side.
Some examples of something too long for me: Sandman, Saga, Y The Last Man
An few examples of lengths that I prefer: the Death spinoffs (the two stories that are spinoffs from Sandman).
V For Vendetta (this is probably the longest length im looking for)
Batman: The Killing Joke
Im most interested in settings and aesthetics that feel like Firefly/Serenity, The Last Of Us, and Fallout (specifically New Vegas). I also really enjoy assassin type stories (ie Dishonored, Night Angel Trilogy, etc). All of that being said, im willing to try other things as well (as displayed by the previously mentioned graphic novels that I have read).
For clarity, I know about the Firefly comics and graphic novels. I own them, along with all of the actual hardback novels.
Lastly, I have tried East Of West and I wasnt really into it. I also have tried Copperhead and I enjoyed the two volumes I read, but dropped it after that (cant remember why tbh).
Looking forward to some cool suggestions!