Student Portfolio Review Request

Portfolio Website :

I'm in my senior year of my BFA program; graduating in a few months. I'm currently looking to score an internship; but I'm mostly trying to prepare myself for the post graduation job hunt.


I'm primary looking for general "graphic designer" positions/contracts. I'm not sure if this is the right approach, but my intention was to create a rounded portfolio that showcases my ability to handle a wide range of projects. The only major component I feel like I'm currently missing is a couple solid UI/UX projects.

I ultimately decided to keep the formatting as unobtrusive as possible to emphasize the work. I found that stylized portfolios (sometimes) tended to distract from the aesthetic quality of each individual project; so I've opted for something rather boring and safe.

Looking for any feedback. Be rough; I appreciate blunt critiques.

Thank you!

Additional Notes

The mobile formatting is pretty bad; but my hope is that employers don't use their phones to review portfolios. Site is built on Cargo.

Portfolio Website :