r/All trial vote - Results
Heya weebs.
As your all aware, we've been running a vote to determine whether the sub should be made available on r/all for a one month trial run. This vote has now concluded with the following result:
As you can see, the vote to go ahead with the trial has won, and as such the sub will be going live on r/all for the next month. We ask that you evaluate the sub and how everything is getting on during this time and consider your final decision for this time next month, when we will be making another vote to determine whether we continue on with r/all going forward
Now, we did take the time to read all of the feedback left for us on the vote thread. With that in mind, I would like to assure everyone that we have no intention of letting outside forces influence the subreddit or the culture we have built here over the last two years, nor do we have any desire to sacrifice what makes GAM special and unique.
We would simply like to make it easier for like minded people to find our sub and, hopefully, get even more memes to enjoy and friends to discuss them with.
Here's to a bigger, better GAM.
Traps forever.
Teh Ghey Mods.