[F4M] [Script Offer] Boys Are Property 2 | Reclaimed [Rape] [Fdom] [Matriarchy] [Anger] [Fearplay] [Wife] [Domestic Violence] [Abuse] [Male Anal Play] [Crying] [Virginity Play] [Victim Blaming] [SHE FUCKING RUINED YOU!] [You stained slut!] [Did you like it?] [We are going to fix your mistake] 🟡

Sequel to the first part taking place in a gender flipped, matriarchal universe.

Your captor kept you for a few days keeping her word and doing all the terrible things she was threatening you with. Finally, as the opportunity arose, you managed to escape and run back home. Your wife’s initial relief to have you back is short lived, turning to shock when she sees what has been done to your body. And soon to anger when she finally realizes what happened to your “virgin mark”...

"You wanted it to happen, didn’t you?
You wanted to screw me over! That was your way of lashing out against me, wasn’t it?! You went there on purpose! You dirty, stained, promiscuous SLUT!!!
What else did she do, huh?! Tell me what else she did!!!
What about down “here”?! Did she touch that too?!
She did, didn’t she?! 
You let her!"

Inclusivity notes: [Speaker orgasm] [No explicitly mentioned listener orgasm] [Listener has a penis] [Listener gets called a good boy, man, husband]

Hey guys!
I was happy you all enjoyed the first part so much! This actually motivated me to write a second part so soon! 
It features a different speaker character. This time the wife. I know a few of you were asking about it.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one too!
Still going to plug my interview with Lurky because I can lol



Filled Here by u/r0tt3nl1ttl3b1tch
Filled Here by u/RoteDisaster
Filled Here by u/Affectionate_Lie4644


Disclaimer: This is a work of pure fiction made by adults for adults. I do not condone any kind of acts portrayed in this work. All characters depicted in this script are 18+
Stay safe in your kink space, everybody!

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 You are allowed to use this script to create a paywalled audio work for commercial purposes under the requirement of giving proper credit and providing a link to this script with your product. Further the audio work must become freely available as a post on reddit after a maximum of 6 months after being first posted as paywalled content. You are not allowed to use this script to create a paywalled audio work that will remain paywalled indefinitely. You are not allowed to sell this script or any part of it on its own. © SomeMeanScripts