What's the most memorable shot you've made or witnessed during a round?

Mine is when i got paired up with this guy that was in his mid 50's. We were on the ~180 par 3, 8th hole at my home course at the time. He teed his ball, did his pre-shot routine, went into his stance, and just before he started his back swing we heard "FORE!" coming from the elevated 9th teebox off to the right. The incoming ball knocked his ball off his tee. The man did not flinch one bit. He calmly said to me "Can you please get my ball and put it on the tee for me?". I didn't even question his request. I place his ball on the tee and he takes one final exhale before he swings. He (left handed shot) pull/hooks the ball into the trees right of the green. Just as fast as the ball went in, it spat back out bouncing in the rough once and the green two or three times before rolling straight into the hole. I was awestruck, losing my mind at what I had just witnessed as I was congratulating him, he excused himself for a few minutes to call his wife and when we went to play the next and final hole he just moved on to what we were talking about before he got his ace before we said our goodbyes. I saw a thing online mentioning his name and the story read that his wife passed away. It also mentioned that as she was getting worse she told him to golf as much as possible so he could tell her about his first hole in one before she died. Not only my favourite thing I've ever witnessed on the course, but arguably my favourite story I've ever heard.