Autocomplete in Godot 4.3 - Tutorial Assistance
I am working through some Godot tutorials and coming across as weird issue that I assume is due to some changes in Godot 4.3 since the tutorial was done in 4.2.
I am using the following code to generate a random star field.
extends Node2D
@export var spawn_count : int = 200
var star_scene = preload("res://Loops/Scenes/star.tscn")
func _ready() -> void:
`for i in spawn_count:`
`var star = star_scene.instantiate()`
`star.position.x = randi_range(-280, 280)`
`star.position.y = randi_range(-150, 150)`
`var star_size = randf_range(0.5, 1)`
`star.scale.x = star_size`
`star.scale.y = star_size`
When watching the tutorial online, the autofill for entering the position and scale of the star auto-completes with the correct listing of either position.x or position.y and scale.x and scale.y, but when I am entering the code into Godot 4.3, the auto complete does not find these parameters for the star variable.
Did something change in 4.3 that changes the syntax that I should be using? The code still works fine, but the autocomplete not functioning makes me think there is a new way of doing this.
Appreciate any help that could be provided!