Does Glasgow need to feel this shite?

Reading a few posts this morning on here about cafes set on fire, dead swans and the usual litter posts and I started to feel quite depressed.

When I was growing up my mum used to tell me that I was lucky to be from Glasgow and how proud she was to call herself a Glaswegian and I wondered if anyone still felt like this?

One of the things she always commented on were all the daffodils and other spring bulbs that were planted all over the place during the Garden Festival back in the late 80s.

My mum died a couple of years ago and in the spring I smiled when I saw the daffodils at the off ramp at Tradeston and down the central reservation down Great Western Rd and in lots of other places. This got me thinking that I might try and do something that would make her smile and plant some bulbs in neglected looking spots this autumn. I've got some in mind but would be happy to hear suggestions of unlikely places that need brightening up.

I'm doing this on my own (family definitely don't want to help) and have limited funds to commit but if I don't manage much this year I'll do some more next year. Just feel it would be nice if the place felt slightly less shite.