cant enable secure boot
Hello everyone!!
so I have been trying to find a way to enable secure boot on my Gigabyte B450m DS3h. So that I can get ready at some point to install windows 11 when the bugs are handled. TPM 2.0 (fTPM for AMD) Is enabled.
I went to try and enable Secure Boot. here is what I did!
instructions I have found:
I went into the bios and enabled TPM 2.0 (fTPM for AMD) and saved and came back.
Then I went into BIOS and disabled CSM Support. ( This part I cant remember if I saved it before I did the change or not and if this might have effected what has happened read on more to see what happed.)
Note windows boot manager disappeared when I disabled CSM Support and as I am just typing this I found out it seems that I need to have my boot drive in GPT instead of MBR and mine is in MBR
I just remembered about this now not sure if its 100% needed info.
Then I went into Secure Boot setting and I was told to enable secure boot and it showed a error Secure boot can be enabled when system in user mode repeat operation after enrolling platform Key(PK)
Then i went into key management and i was told to click on platform key(PK) / 0/ No Keys then click update and it reads Press 'Yes' to load factory default 'PK' or 'No' to load it from a file on external media.
Then is showed Disable the CSM in Setup. Repeat operation after reboot to ensure UEFI video (GOP) driver is operational. after I tried to enable it. after I saved I went to try and boot but then my pc went into a (boot loop I freaked out hard on this cuz I was not able to get into the BIOS AT ALL)
I then calmed down did some digging and I had to fully unplug and take out my CMOS battery make sure to hold power Button down to let all power out wait a good bit then reinsert CMOS and then it reset everything before i enabled (fTPM for AMD) and pc was back up and running again
I have sens stopped going into my BIOS in fear of messing things up and here i am a month later typing this out and wish for some feedback on this!! Please and Thanks!!!
CPU: Ryzen 7 3700X
Motherboard: Gigabyte B450M DS3H
RAM: 2 8GB (16GB) Crucial Ballistix Sport
Graphics card: MSI Nvidia RTX 2070 super