[NeedAdvice] Can't stop procrastinating despite using popular methods. Feeling frustrated.
At the moment I'm at a really low point in my life. I'm failing at school due to procrastination. I have fallen behind in all of classes and I'm getting awful grades. I want to be productive but it's so difficult. I've browsed this sub and tried popular methods but they never work for me, so I'm getting frustrated. Some things I've tried:
- The "just start" method. Never works. I start my work then 5 minutes later I'm doing something else.
- Removing distractions. I've sat down with just a pen and paper before, and STILL I don't get work done. I start day dreaming.
- Being kind to my "future self." I just imagine that my future self can do all the work.
- Pomodoro Method. Again, I just start day dreaming
I'm really frustrated. Sorry if this is something that you've all heard before, but I have no clue how to overcome procrastination. I KNOW this is bad for me, I KNOW that if I could have some discipline I would be happier, yet despite knowing all this I STILL don't do my work. Even as I type this, i have tons of work to do that I haven't even started. Any advice is appreciated but I mainly wrote this out just to voice my frustrations.