just lost a 1 year friendship because of being gay
im a university student and i met this girl in my history class about a year ago. we became friends from a study group her friend had put together and at first, everything was cool. we would all eat together and have study nights with each other. me and the girl became pretty close, but i never told her my sexuality. i tend to keep my sexuality to myself because no one needs to know what goes on in the privacy of my own bedroom. however, this one day i posted on my instagram story me holding hands with a guy i met earlier that year and after that she just stopped talking to me. i would text her occasionally to hang out and she would always tell me she was busy or she would just be downright dry through text messages. i just assumed she was busy and she never unfollowed me on social media so i thought nothing of it. last month on valentines day, i posted a bouquet of flowers that the guy bought for me and i saw her view my story and then she blocked me immediately after. i have no idea what i did, i can only assume that she didn’t like that i was gay. bummer, she seemed like a cool person before that.