Response to Gay-cels

In response to this post:

At the risk of sounding like a gay-cel, I agree with the sentiment of that post and a lot of the responses but I feel like no one realizes the conundrum that mindset can create.

I don’t think it’s entirely fair to write people off as ‘gay-cels’ cause they criticize a community that has time and time again outcast people that look a certain way or something along those lines.

Also let’s not pretend like these hot gays or whatever you wanna call them, don’t dismiss people that aren’t to their standard/preference whether or not the reject-ee is comfortable in their skin and are genuinely a nice person. I get why some people get jaded on these apps and this community.

Don’t get me wrong, they’re are very much those miserable groups and I think the last thing they should worry about is hooking up or whatever. They need a lot of therapy and working on themselves, but this community isn’t perfect on either sides of the aisle when it comes to this topic.