Avowed is really fun. And you deserve some fun.
I'll always try to support Obsidian, so my opinon is slightly biased. They've always had this ambition about them, and their ideas have always been a little big for their resources, but as their games age (and with help with MAJOR bugs in many of them) most marinate into something special.
I will say I wanted to like Outer Worlds more than I did. I still enjoyed it but I was hoping for them to take bigger leaps. Though, anyone paying attention to modern gaming knows it's much more expensive, time consuming, etc, to make a game now, then it was, say, when Obsidian took on Fallout with New Vegas.
That said, whatever you didn't like about OW or the formula, Obsidian has tweaked for the better. Personally I think what they tried to do in OW as a scifi explorer works SO much better as a fantasy setting. That and they truly make exploring worth it, now. You get a Bethesda-esque feel roaming around, knowing that your venturing will most likely pay off (turn up the volume, valuables make a singing noise). The landscape and cities are well built and how you traverse things (parkour style) is seamlessly built into the world.
The whole world feels unique and is gorgeous, the story is keeping me going and wanting more, and as always, their characters, dialogue, and dialogue options are top notch. But the combat. Oh does it get fun and the load combinations are great. I've switched multiple times already for what my main is (you can toggle between two loadouts) Yesterday, I had a grimoire in my left hand (spell book) and a fucking gun that shoots electric bullets in my right. Awesome stuff. Companion combat is fun, fulfilling, and easy to use, mapping their moves to presets.
I think they made something special with this one. I'm only out of the first area but so far it's been well worth it. Enough for me to be compelled to make this post at least. If you're looking for a fantasy game that scratches that exploration itch, a new, fun setting, give it a try.