Of all thngs, Hot Wheels Unleashed is bringing back my gaming passion
I got it for about $5 on Switch. Wanted a light arcade racer where I could turn my brain off and wind down after work and I figured a kids toy game would do it. Honestly I was drunk when I bought it and I thought that was why I couldn't even place in races. Once I sobered up I tried it again and I didn't do ANY better. I didn't understand, it's a drift racer, I grew up on Mario Kart, I should be good at this, I'm not letting this game beat me. I refused to lower the difficulty and kept trying it until I was clenched up with adrenaline and managed one perfect 1st place race. In that moment I remembered playing Twisted Metal at a friend's house and getting instantly wrecked only to watch him effortlessly fly through the stages. I've been playing it for about 20 hours now and I'm still fighting for every race and I love it!