Need some help pointing out issues in my games concept.

I am creating a concept for a mech-based fps game. I have a basic framework, but there are probably a lot of things I am overlooking, so I made this post to get some pointers.

Basic traits: The game is somewhat similar to Battlefield due to having large scale battles.

Players can play as either a ground person on in mech

Mechs are a limited resource on both teams, and are not available immediately (depending on mode)

Mechs have unique abilities, which can be customixed to a degree. The vibe I am going for is midway between hero shooter and war thunder.

Mechs are not the only vehicles; there are also various other types of drones.

A major inspiration is pacific rim. I want mechs to feel POWERFUL. Similarly, this would make mechs a challenge to take down on thegrpund, but doing so would be very rewarding.