Which brief, disliked plot point or character would you like to see redeemed, and how?
If you could pick any badly recieved plot point or character that appeared briefly and was met with backlash or was just generally disliked, and give them a new episode or arc to redeem them in the public's eye, which would you pick and how would you do it?
For example, I personally think it would be really funny to give the Abzorbaloff a second chance, leaning more into body-horror (maybe something like this https://www.artstation.com/artwork/yOxaO or this https://www.artstation.com/artwork/aRmq62?collection_id=2627967 ), with the Abzorbaloff (not necessarily the same individual, it could be other of his species) absorbing lots of victims and becoming a terrifying amalgamation of body parts. Besides, not only do I think it would be funny to redeem such a generally disliked character, but I've always had mixed feelings because of the fact that he was designed by a nine-year-old and I think it was just sweet :(